.. _quickstart: GeoMoose Quickstart Guides ========================== MS4W ---- Want to try GeoMoose on Windows without a lot of setup? Then checkout the `MS4W Quickstart. `_ It will walk you through installing MS4W and the GeoMoose MS4W package. Linux ----- Is Linux more your style? Then checkout the `Deploying on EC2 Quickstart. `_. Although it focuses on deploying to EC2, most of the instructions apply to Linux in general. OSGeo Live ---------- GeoMoose is on `OSGeo Live `_. See the `OSGeo Live Quickstart. `_ It will walk you through using GeoMoose on OSGeo Live. Developer Quickstart -------------------- *This version of the quickstart assumes use of a UNIX-esque development environment. While the basic steps are the same for Windows/MS4W the commands included here will fail.* The developer quickstart can be found on `GitHub pages. `_ This version is kept up to date with the latest development version of GeoMoose. Find more documentation and the developer documentation on our `GitHub Repository. `_