.. _2.9.0_Release: GeoMoose 2.9.0 Release Notes ============================ New Features ------------ * We now have a Docker image of the development environment. * Moved common layer methods into a GeoMoose Layer class (and fixed a lot of fallout). * Added ResultsAsGrid extension. * Added scalebar examples to demo. * Implemented :ref:`rfc5` Bug Fixes --------- * Lots of WFS and WFS-T fixes. * Hide legends of deactivated layers. * Fix various methods of selecting a service on page load. * Changed defaults so ``onhover`` activated popups auto clear on mouse move. * Better draw mode icon. * Measure area tool now shows help text (like measure line does). * Improved tracking of layer current and default layer state. * Fixed inconsistencies in the select service. * Fixed layer ordering issues that made it hard to select or buffer an existing vector feature. * Fixed printing ArcGIS REST layers named "0". * Lots of work updating outdated documentation. * `And more `_