.. _3.6.0_Release: GeoMoose 3.6.0 Release Notes ============================ Bug Fixes --------- * Select behavior when defaulting to feature-select. * Startup services now set the state correctly and do not cause a refresh bug with coordinates in the URL hash. New Features ------------ * *i18n Support!* Includes English and Spanish translation dictionaries. included * Buffer a result. This allows for buffering a specific result from a query for follow up work. * WMS are now scale-aware and will re-fetch the legend when the map zoom changes. * Multiple features can be selected from a layer using the shift key for services that allow selecting features from the map. * Added syntax to support a "list of likes" this allows searches to be configured to search multiple fields with multiple values with only partial term matching and ignores case. * Services can now be configured to zoom to their results automatically. * The Grid can now be configured to start minimized. * `keepAlive` setting has been restored to Select. This allows the user to keep drawing new polygons even after results have returned. * Drawing and Markup layer now supports feature labels * Added new plug-in architecture for advanced integrations. Housecleaning and Maintenance ----------------------------- * OpenLayers and React have both been upgraded to their most recent versions. * Unnecessary state has been removed from a number of components. * When removing state, many components were ported to being functional components and using hooks for better performance. * ol-mapbox-style has been upgraded instead of the old pinned version that was used internally. * Documentation for all of the above has been added!