.. _3.8.0_Release: GeoMoose 3.8.0 Release Notes ============================ Features -------- * #611,#612,#624 ... Convert docs from MarkDown to ReStructeredText. Reorganize docs. * #615 Add Italian translation * #619 Add French translation * #620,#671,#677 WFS-T Editing * #622 Brazilian Portuguese translation * #623 USNG Map Collar * #626 Add automatic precision to Lat/Lon display * #627 Travis to GitHub Actions for CI * #643 Buffer All (for select results) * #644 Bounding Box and Z/Lon/Lat to loc paramater (to support opening GeoMoose to a particular location via a link) * #659 Restore keyboard shortcuts to service form * #666 Switch to Libra.chat for project IRC * #674 Support multiple mapbooks Bug Fixes --------- * #608 fix bug caused by DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials * #621 Fix missing extent limitation bug * #630 Fix errors when no selectable layers are available * #648 Consistently Buffer Point on Line/Point Queries * #649 High Resolution Prints * #661 Ensure default properties are saved to property * #664 Fix modify-selection bug * #665 Fix for non-English and null values in grid sort * #669 Add safety rails around the selection checks * #676 Fix state bug with zoom-to extent